Guide to Studying in Japan
As one of the advanced economies in the world, Japan continues to lead in many fields, from high-tech industries to the creative and entertainments industries. Japan’s over 780 universities, which include several that rank amongst the top 200 in the world, offer abundant opportunities to international students to further their education in Japan. There are currently over 140,000 international students studying in Japan and the Ministry of Education Culture Sports Science and Technology (MEXT) has an ambitious target to increase the number to 300,000 by the year 2020.
Finding the right university
Your academic journey in Japan begins with finding the right university for you. You can find information about the various types of higher education institutions and the programs they offer at https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/study_j/search/daigakukensaku.html#no2
The Japanese Embassy in Singapore also provides free counselling service for students who wish to know more about studying in Japan. Counselling hours can be found at the Embassy’s website http://www.sg.emb-japan.go.jp/about_opening.htm.
Financing your study
Contrary to common believe, cost of tertiary education in Japan need not be expensive. This is especially true for national universities where tuition fees are heavily subsidised by the government. For example, in the case of Nagoya University, the annual tuition fee is JPY535,800 or roughly SGD6,100 (source: http://admissions.g30.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/support/). This is much lower than universities in developed countries such as USA, UK, Australia and even Singapore.
Scholarships and financial aids are also readily available for international students. JUGAS partners with well-known universities and governmental organisations to provide or promote scholarships to deserving Singaporean students to pursue undergraduate and post-graduate programs in Japan universities.
JUGAS Scholarship Programs
To mark our 40th Anniversary in 2010, JUGAS launched the JUGAS Education and Cultural Exchange Fund (JECF) with the primary objectives or promoting education and cultural exchanges between Singapore and Japan. One of the key initiative under the JECF is to provide opportunities for promising Singaporean students to further their studies in Japan through various scholarship scheme in collaboration with external organisations.
Please feel free to contact our secretariat (secretariat@jugas.org.sg) if you have any questions regarding the scholarships on offer.
Help for Students Departing to Japan For Studies
Upon accepting an offer from a university or institution of higher education, your next phase of journey involves preparing yourself for your departure to Japan. There are several things that you will need to do and the university’s admission office (or the Japanese Embassy in the case of MEXT Scholarship) will be providing you with the necessary assistance to ensure that the paperwork is done.
This website will give you better idea of what to expect: Planning studies in Japan.
JUGAS organises pre-departure briefings for students departing to Japan typically twice a year in March and August/September for the April and September/October school terms. At the briefing, JUGAS members and representatives from partnering organisations such as the Japanese Embassy and PSC will sharing information and experience on what students should expect once they arrive in Japan. Students will be introduced to helpful organisations in Japan such the Singapore Students’ Association in Japan (SSAJ), the Singapore Embassy in Japan and ASJA International.
Register your interest to attend the Pre-Departure Briefing: [CLOSED]
When You are in Japan
Congratulations! You are now in Japan embarking on a new life in Japan.
Here are some useful online resources to help you settle down and navigate some of the bureaucratic maze typically faced by many foreign students in Japan.
Singapore students are also strongly encouraged to register themselves with the Singapore Embassy in Japan.
We wish you all the best in your academic endeavours!