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About Us

JUGAS is an Alumni of non-Japanese citizens residing in the Republic of Singapore who have completed their tertiary education in Japan.

JUGAS was formed on 19th December 1970, and has ever since been a uniting force among fellow graduates from Japanese Universities. Currently, we have 460 members who graduated from Universities from all parts of Japan, and Associate Members who have completed non-degree courses from colleges in Japan, or are students currently studying for Degree Courses in the universities in Japan.


Our members’ profiles are diverse, ranging from CEOs, Managing Directors of Multinational and Singapore Companies to top civil servants in the Government offices, young and promising graduates who just started out in their careers. There are also active retirees who participate in JUGAS events regularly.

JUGAS maintains strong ties with The Embassy of Japan in Singapore, the Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (JCCI) Singapore, Japanese Cultural Society Singapore (JCS), Japanese Association Singapore (JAS), The Japanese Schools and the Japanese community in Singapore. We often organise activities to promote and enhance the public understanding of Japanese culture and language. We also have social and networking activities with other alumni organisations such as NUSS, NTUA, BAS (British) and AAS (Australia) through the Alumni International Singapore (AIS).


Internationally, JUGAS maintains a close relationship with the other Japanese Graduates’ Associations in the ASEAN countries through ASCOJA (ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni) and its counterpart ASJA (Asia Japan Alumni) International in Japan.


JUGAS helps organise re-union trips and students exchange programs to Japan, and help administer a few scholarship programs including ASCOJA-MEXT Scholarship for Post Graduate and Undergraduate Studies. JUGAS administers a ”JUAGAS Education and Cultural Exchange Fund” to collaborate with Nagoya University and The University of Tokyo in their G30 4-year Undergraduate Programs which provide scholarship to high school and polytechnic graduates to pursue further study in Japan. JUGAS continues to explore collaboration with other Universities to increase choices of tertiary education institutes for Singapore students.

In September 2005, JUGAS was awarded Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commendations (日本国外務大臣表彰) for our effort in supporting students to study in Japan, and networking of returned graduates leading to enhancement of mutual understanding between Japan and Singapore.


JUGAS strives to:

  • promote good relations between the Republic of Singapore and Japan

  • provide facilities for social and cultural activities among members, and to provide opportunities for members to meet their counterparts in other organisations or institutions

  • promote and safeguard the common interests of members

  • promote scientific, technology, education and cultural exchanges between the Republic of Singapore and Japan

  • publish papers, journals and other literary works in furtherance of the objectives of the Association

Main Activities

JUGAS organises and co-organises various annual and one-time events for its members and the general public. These cultural, academic, social and educational events do not only facilitate interaction among JUGAS members and promote goodwill between Singapore and Japan, but also promote the understanding of Japanese culture and language to the general public.


Administer and contribute to scholarship programs, including ASCOJA-MEXT Scholarship, G30 Undergraduate Programs in Japan.

JUGAS awards JUGAS-NU (名大) Scholarship to students studying in Nagoya University, and JUGAS-UofT (東大) Supplementary Scholarship to students studying in The University of Tokyo.

“日本語で遊ぼう” (Let’s Play by Japanese Language)

This signature annual event provides an opportunity for Japanese language students of all levels of competencies to participate in quizzes and games involving the Japanese language and culture, and to interact with other fellow students. The event is supported by The Embassy of Japan in Singapore, JAS, Japanese Schools in Singapore, MOELC (Ministry of Education Language Centre) and JALTAS (Japanese Language Teachers’ Association in Singapore).

Welcome Gathering and Pre-Departure Briefing

JUGAS holds annual Welcome Gathering for returned graduates, introducing them into JUGAS as well as to the Japanese community in Singapore.

For students departing for study in Japan, JUGAS holds annual Pre-Departure Briefing with participation from staff of The Embassy of Japan to give relevant advice on life and study in Japan to the new students.

Japanese Speech Contest

JUGAS is one of the organisers and judges for the Annual Japanese Speech Contest, together with The Embassy of Japan in Singapore, JCCI, JAS and JCS. This event supports the learning of Japanese language in Singapore.

JUGAS Talks & Networking Events

JUGAS members enjoy fellowship and interaction with fellow members through events like the Annual Dinner, JUGAS Talks on relevant topics, “Networking Nights”, socialising events and excursions.

JUGAS Talks are also open to affiliated associations and general public.

JUGAS Book Prizes

To promote the learning of Japanese among young Singaporean students, JUGAS awards book prizes annually to Nine (9) top Secondary 4 and Junior College students who studied Japanese as a third language at Singapore’s MOELC.

Executive Committee 2024/2025

Shen Yue


Waseda University, International Liberal Studies (Economics), 2010

Sarah Goh Jin Lin

1st Vice-President

University of Tokyo, Chemistry, 2020

Benjamin Sim Jun Jie

Honorary Secretary

University of Tokyo, Environmental Science, 2020

Samuel Chiang Li Hsin

Honorary Treasurer

Osaka University, Foreign Studies, 2021

Gian Yi-Hsen

Immediate Past President/Committee Member

University of Tokyo, E.E.E, 2001

Genevieve Tan Si Hui

2nd Vice-President

Nagoya University, Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies, 2018

Oh Yong Ting

Asst Honorary Secretary

Hitotsubashi University, Sociology, 2022

Shao Shan

Asst Honorary Treasurer

Osaka University, Foreign Studies, 2021

Christal Han Ying

Honorary Auditor

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Linguistics, 2017

Austin Zeng Xujie

Committee Member

University of Tokyo, Japanese Politics, 2017

Eileen Lee

Committee Member

Nagoya University, Law, 2016

Kaoru Yap Xin

Committee Member

Osaka University, Human Sciences, 2024

Mona Chia Kah Ying

Committee Member

University of Tokyo, Liberal Arts, 2022

Felix Chan Hou Wan

Co-Opt Committee Member

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Int'l Development Engineering (Electrical Engineering), 2002

Maggie Lin Yu Fen

Co-Opt Committee Member

Rikkyo University, Tourism, 1998

Jimmy Ng Hon Yuen

Honorary Auditior

Kyoto University, Electrical Engineering, 1974

Daniel Teh Boon Loong

Committee Member

Tohoku University, Developmental Biology & Neuroscience, 2014

Elena Yuan Tianfei

Committee Member

Hiroshima University, Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015

Kyaw Paing

Committee Member

Nihon Fukushi University, Social & Information Sciences, 2007

Richard Yap Meng Wah

Committee Member

University of Tokyo, E.E., 1997

Gwee Siew Theng

Co-Opt Committee Member

Konan University, Marketing Communications, 1993

Yow Wei Meng

Co-Opt Committee Member

Waseda University, Theatre(Postgraduate Research), 1987

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