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ASJA Online Symposium 2021: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (host by JUGAS)


In 2020, despite the pandemic outbreak globally, the 10 ASEAN member nations together with China, Japan and South Korea had pushed ahead to conclude the negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Partnership Agreement (RCEP). With the world still battling the economic and societal fall out of the coronavirus pandemic and the geopolitical tensions between China and US, countries, companies and citizens need to find new ways to drive economic growth. RCEP may represent such an opportunity and to support greater awareness of new opportunities from RCEP, JUGAS proposes to host a virtual symposium to discuss opportunities and effects of RCEP on ASEAN economies and Japan.


Structure: 2 virtual half-day sessions – 9:00am - 11:30am and 2:00pm - 5:35pm SGT (GMT+8)

Date: 27 March 2021, Saturday

Language: English

Combined Morning Session:

All participants to join in combined online symposium.

Afternoon Breakout Session:

Different ASCOJA chapters to host discussion either focused on their country or a particular sector.

Participants to sign up for respective tracks ahead of time.


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