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22nd ASJA-ASCOJA-JAC Symposium, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

At Pre-Symposium Dinner, Hosted by the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia
At Pre-Symposium Dinner, Hosted by the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia

JUGAS is glad to report that our 5-member delegation, including President Ms. Shen Yue, Mr. Yee Jenn En, Mr. Gian Yi-Hsen, Mr. Daniel Teh and Mr. Austin Zeng, participated in the 22nd ASJA-ASCOJA-JAC Symposium, in Phnom Penh, organized by the Japan Alumni of Cambodia (JAC).


The program started on the 27th of June, with a dinner at the Japanese embassy of Cambodia. Both the Ambassador of Japan to Cambodia, Mr. Ueno Takashi as well as State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Tsuge Yoshifumi were in attendance.

JUGAS Representative Austin Zeng Presenting
JUGAS Representative Austin Zeng Presenting

JUGAS EXCO Member Daniel Teh posing a question
JUGAS EXCO Member Daniel Teh posing a question

Aside from the content at the symposium, the event, including the Gala Dinner, and the Governor's meeting held on the 29th, were valuable chances for us to reconnect with our fellow Japan Alumni throughout the region, and discuss the future of studying in Japan and what each association can do.

JUGAS Delegation, with ASJA Director Mr. Ogawa
JUGAS Delegation, with ASJA Director Mr. Ogawa

President Shen Yue exchanging gifts with State Minister Tsuge
President Shen Yue exchanging gifts with State Minister Tsuge

Former President Gian Yi-Hsen representing JUGAS at the Governors' meeting
Former President Gian Yi-Hsen representing JUGAS at the Governors' meeting


The next ASCOJA event which is already planned is in the ASCOJA Conference, 2025 in Bangkok. We encourage our members to take these opportunities to gain new perspectives and expand your networks.


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